Grid SST Hackathon#

The Grid SST Hackathon is a 5-day event to be held at the University of Washington in Seattle and virtually on October 31 through November 4, 2022. The goal of this 5-day event is to kickstart development of a new, community-created, open-source and cloud-based algorithm to blend multiple remotely-sensed SST data streams into a global, 1-km, daily, gridded product.

The Challenge#

High resolution sea surface temperatures (SST) are a critical climate data record. Most existing approaches developed by the Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST) were developed over a decade ago and depend on the transfer of vast amounts of satellite data to local data centers with appropriate cyberinfrastructure.

The overarching goal and challenge of this hackathon is to create a new global, 1 km, daily, community-created open science blended SST analysis. The intended outcomes of this event are to re-imagine how a high temporal (daily), high spatial (1 km) SST dataset could be produced using passive microwave and infrared satellite SST data. Code and products developed within this event will be open to the scientific community and hosted on GitHub. The global, daily, 1 km dataset output will be in both GHRSST GDS2.0 netCDF4 and Zarr formats.

Information for Participants#

Please navigate to the following pages for more information while participating in the Grid SST Hackathon:

  • Logistics - This page contains information about the in-person and virtual components of the event.

  • Schedule - This page contains the schedule for the Hackathon event.

  • Resources - There are several pages containing resources for the various tools we’ll be using during the Hackathon event:

    • SST - The focus of this hackathon is on kickstarting the development of a new open science blended SST analysis. Resources about SST can be found on this page.

    • Git and GitHub - All code collaboration will be hosted in a GitHub repository for this event.

    • JupyterHub - All participants will be invited to work in a JupyterHub for this event. If you aren’t familiar with JupyterHub, JupyterLab, or Jupyter notebooks, you can find information on this page.

    • Python - Python is a valuable, open-source programming language that participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with in order to better contribute to the goal of this event.

  • Code of Conduct - All participants of the Grid SST Hackathon are responsible for familiarizing themselves with our Code of Conduct prior to participating in the hackathon event, regardless of whether their participation will be in-person or virtual.